South Side Projections

Between 2011 and 2023, South Side Projections presented films at locations across Chicago’s south side to foster conversation about complex social and political issues. At many screenings, we enlisted scholars, activists, and filmmakers to lead discussions, while other screenings offered opportunities to present seldom-seen films of historical and artistic value to the communities of Chicago’s south side. In all cases we were a springboard to a deeper understanding of our communities and the broader world. We have ceased operation, but this site will remain as an archive of the conversations that occurred at our events.

Kartemquin Members’ Work for Hire: The Q&A

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AfriCOBRA: The Q&A

With Deva Newman, Gerald Williams, and D. Denenge Duyst-Akpem

Analog Dreamscape: The Q&A

with Daniel J. Sandin and Jon Cates

Revolution on Film: Robert Paige Q&A

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Men of Bronze: The Q&A

December 6, 2018 | DuSable Museum

The Great Chicago Conspiracy Circus Interview

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The Black Theater: The Q&A

The Black Theater: The Making of a Movement

Earthkeeping: The Q&A

With Sean Cusick

Revolution on Film: Amaris Selah Q&A

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Mako Idemitsu: The Q&A

with Wakae Nakane and Toby Wu

Liz White’s Othello: The Q&A

With Ron OJ Parson, James Vincent Meredith, and Honey Crawford

Rats, Roaches, and Resistance: The Q&A

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Rea Tajiri: History and Memory: The Q&A

With Rea Tajiri, Vincent Schleitwiler, and Chelsea Foxwell

The Mural Movement and the Black Arts Movement: The Q&A

With Arlene Turner Crawford, Eugene Eda Wade, and Rebecca Zorach